How to Keep UV Resin from Yellowing

How to Keep UV Resin from Yellowing - Full process and correct method of using this

UV resin is classified as synthetic resin; however, there are considerable changes compared to standard epoxy resin.

With the aid of a dedicated UV lamp, UV resin cures entirely in a matter of minutes, and it can be used immediately without the requirement for a hardener.

But often, UV resin is associated with yellowing, a common problem with resin plastic components. The cause of UV resin yellowing varies from product to product and batch to batch.

So today, we’ll discuss preserving your resin products in the best shape to avoid them getting yellow.

Where is UV Resin Used –

UV resin is a composite material that can be used for many purposes. UV resin can make different kinds of products, such as beautiful and intricate jewelry, decorative items, and much more.

The most common UV resin is used in producing jewelry and decorative items. It is very popular with consumers who want the ethereal effect of resin without going through too much fuss and wait because UV resin dries much faster than epoxy.

Why Does UV Resin Turn Yellow Over Time –

UV Resin will usually turn yellow over time due to exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays from the sun. The most common cause of UV resin yellowing is the presence of certain additives, such as pigments or dyes, in the resin that is sensitive to ultraviolet light.

These additives may be in the form of pigment particles suspended in the resin, or they may be solids bonded to the resin’s surface by a binder.

In either case, these additives can absorb ultraviolet radiation and eventually fade away or become discolored when exposed to sunlight.

If you’re wondering whether all UV resin is yellow over time, click here.

Other Causes of Yellowing –

How to Keep UV Resin from Yellowing - How to do it and does it work

You are not alone if you’ve ever seen a UV resin that has yellowed over time. This happens to all types of UV resins, including those used in jewelry, decorations, etc.

1. Sunlight – One of the primary yet overlooked factors contributing to UV resin’s yellowing is exposure to sunshine and artificial lights indoors.

Sunlight can cause the resin to change color over time, while indoor lighting sources such as fluorescent lights or incandescent bulbs can also cause fading effects on UV resins.

2. Extreme Heat – UV resin is a clear and natural product that heat can affect. For example, it will become yellow if the UV resin is exposed to extreme temperatures, such as being placed near a heater or other heat source.

3. Moisture – Moisture in the air can also cause the UV resin to turn yellow. This can happen when the room where the UV resin is being made is not well-ventilated and the air has high humidity levels.

How To Prevent UV Resin From Yellowing –

UV Resin does have this significant disadvantage when it comes to its use. As we said, It can turn yellow over time due to exposure to sunlight.

This can be problematic if you want a product lasting for years without fading or yellowing.

Luckily, there are some ways you can prevent your UV Resin from becoming yellowed so that it will stay vibrant for longer periods. Here are some tips:

How to Keep UV Resin from Yellowing - How to do it and the full process

1. Keep Your Resins Out of the Sun – Many fantastic ways prevent UV resin yellowing. The first is to keep your resins out of the sun, especially when they’re new.

UV resin yellowing occurs when UV rays from the sun contact your resin and cause it to oxidize. It will last longer if you don’t use your resin often and keep it out of direct sunlight.

The UV rays from the sun can cause your resins to turn yellow or brown if they are exposed for too long. This can lead to the degradation of the polymer in your resin and make it unusable for future projects.

It is a great way to keep your UV Resin from turning yellow by keeping it out of direct sunlight all day long. This means that if you work outdoors during the day, your UV Resin should not always be exposed to the sun.

2. Clean the surface often – The second way to prevent UV resin yellowing is by frequently cleaning your resin’s surface. As a result, dust doesn’t accumulate on the surface, which might cause oxidation and discoloration.

Cleaning your resin also ensures that there are no impurities, such as dirt or oil from your hands or skin, on its surface that might lead to discoloration.

After each use, you should clean your UV Resin with a soft cloth or paper towel. This will prevent dust and dirt from collecting on the surface, which will cause it to turn yellow over time.

3. Keep it out of direct sunlight – Many people store their resin outside in direct sunlight for months without any problems.

However, this isn’t recommended as UV Resins are sensitive to sunlight and can turn yellow faster when exposed to direct sunlight for too long.

If you store your resin outside for extended periods, I prefer keeping it covered with a tarp or something similar so that it doesn’t get wet and then exposed to sunlight again.

How to Keep UV Resin from Yellowing - Step by Step instructions and method

4. UV resin stabilizers – UV resin stabilizers are usually added to the polymer manufacturing process. They are designed to protect the resin from UV light and make it more stable over time.

It is quite a common method, spraying onto the resin before it’s exposed to UV light. It prevents the resin from yellowing but is not 100% effective.


1. What Happens With UV Resin Pigments With Exposure To Sunlight?

UV resin yellowing is a condition where the final color of a resin product is affected by exposure to ultraviolet light.

The cause of this problem is that the resin contains certain pigments that become unstable when exposed to ultraviolet light. This can result in discoloration and other unwanted effects.

2. Is UV Resin Yellowing harmful, or does it have disadvantages?

UV resin yellowing can cause your products to become discolored or change their appearance slightly.

It can also cause the color of your product to fade over time, making them look old and worn out after only a short period.

This can be very noticeable for some products, such as decorations or jewelry, especially if you want to sell them as new or close to them.

3. How long until the resin starts to turn yellow?

If the artwork were coated in a resin compound that just contained a UV stabilizer, it would often start to deteriorate within 6 months to a year if it is stored inside.

If the resin had no UV stabilizer, it would become dark yellow considerably more quickly, in around two to three months.

Conclusion –

There are no easy solutions to the problem of UV resin yellowing. However, there are some things that you can do to help reduce the risk of this happening.

We hope you try some of the solutions mentioned above and can make your products look new for much longer.