How to mix Resin and Hardener

Illustration demonstrating the process of resin and hardener mixing.Epoxy resin is a simple artwork if one follows the handbook. Though you can alter according to your choice and personalize it, the basics of working with epoxy resin are rigid and need to be strictly followed for the perfect result.

Epoxy resins are adhesive-based epoxides that react with hardeners to form a chemical reaction to activate the epoxy resin. The resin and hardener must be proportionate for smooth-flowing and fast-curing epoxy resin.

This article tells you about mixing your resin and hardener for your artwork. But before we jump onto the process, let us look at the need to mix resin and hardener properly.

Why is it important to properly mix resin and hardener –

Epoxy resins are tricky to work with as they tend to mess up with the slightest mistake you may commit. With that being said, let us take a glimpse at the importance of properly mixing resin and hardener.

1. Smooth flow – for a free-flowing epoxy resin for your work, you must master the correct proportion of resin and hardener. An incorrect ratio of resin and hardener might result in either too watery or thick epoxy resin flow, both undesirable.

2. Curing time – usually, it takes 24 hours for the epoxy resin to cure completely. However, if the resin and hardener are not mixed properly, it can hinder the curing time for the epoxy resin.

3. Quality – too much or too little hardener might severely affect the epoxy resin’s quality. The epoxy resin tends to become brittle if too much hardener is added.

4. Bubbles – if you over-mix resin and hardener, there are chances it might form bubbles and create undesired textures in the epoxy resin.

5. Form lumps – if the resin and hardener are not mixed thoroughly, they may form clots of undissolved particles that might stay dispensed in the epoxy resin solution.

6. Undesired texture – It may form undesired surfaces if the resin and hardener are not mixed thoroughly, along with other additives such as glitters, charms, or other articles.

Now that we have gone through the importance of properly mixing epoxy resin and hardener let us look at the mixing procedure.

How to mix Resin and Hardener –

Visual representation of resin and hardener being expertly mixed.Mixing resin is a consistent and religious process that you need to follow step by step to get a perfect epoxy resin mixture.

The first step of mixing resin and hardener is accurately measuring the epoxy resin required for your work. Once you do that, you can combine both elements of the solution.

The next step is to determine the correct proportion of resin and hardener. Ideally, a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1 is recommended depending on the resin and hardener.

Make sure you take the correct proportion of the elements, as it plays a crucial role in determining the curing time of the resin. You may use a measuring cup to measure the required quantity accurately.

Once you measure the correct amount of epoxy resin and hardener, the next step is to dissolve both parts completely. Resin and hardener must integrate completely to avoid any lumps or bubbles that may create undesired textures.

You may use a stick to mix the resin and hardener or an electric mixer. It may depend on the quantity of resin you are working with.

If you add any additives to resin, such as glitter, charms, or other articles, to your polish, mix them well to ensure it is completely integrated.

Once you mix, make sure you burst any bubbles that may form in the process so that the surface is even and flat. And that is how you combine your resin and hardener flawlessly.

Tips and tricks to mix Resin and Hardener –

Illustration showcasing the chemical fusion of resin and hardener.1. Mix both resin and hardener parts in the correct proportion to ensure free flow.

2. Ensure you mix it properly to avoid lumps in the solutions

3. The stick or the mixer you use for mixing should be clean.

4. Always use clean utensils to mix resin and hardeners.

5. Do not add too many additives or water-based pigments into the solution, as it may affect the consistency.

6. Ensure the room temperature is not too hot or cold to cure the epoxy resin effectively.

7. Avoid overmixing your resin, as it may result in the formation of bubbles.

8. After pouring your epoxy resin, wait at least 24 hours before using it or adding a fresh layer.

FAQs –

What is the ratio of adding resin and hardener?

The most common ratio to mix your resin and hardener is 2:1 or 1:1, as the instructions prescribe. You must stick to the specified proportion as it will determine your resin flow and the resin’s curing time.

Depending on the epoxy resin you use, the proportion might also vary.

What happens if you add too much hardener to the epoxy resin?

Adding an unequal proportion of hardener may lead to an undesired chemical reaction that may affect the epoxy resin’s flow, texture, and curing time.

Apart from these issues, adding any additives to the epoxy resin may also make it difficult.

Why is my resin runny?

One major reason for your epoxy resin to be runny and fully cured is improper mixing of resin and hardener. A small alteration from the prescribed proportion can affect the curing of the resin.

Conclusion –

Though mixing resin and hardener seems simple, one often tends to mess it up. Since this step is the foundation of creating your artwork, you must ace it for a flawless and perfect finish.

This article here is your complete guide to mixing resin and hardener. I hope the article helps!