What can I use as a Mold Release for Epoxy Resin?

What can I use as a mold release for epoxy resin? And how you can use them all

Are you in your journey of epoxy resin casting? Well, this is among the most amazing things you could do if you are really in a creative zone.

Casting through epoxy resin may be an easy route for you, but I can well understand what other issues are faced during the process. The sticking of the resin to the mold is one among them.

If you are also facing the same issue, don’t worry! You are not alone. But thankfully, you are directed to the best place here.

In this article, I will bury deep into the core concept of mold release for epoxy resin, and guess what! I will be turning to answer your most burning question, ‘What can I use as a mold release for epoxy resin?’

Are you ready for a sneak peek into this matter? Carry your reading glasses and travel together.

What is mold release, and why do you need it –

A mold release agent, aka release coating or mold release coating, is a release agent made from chemicals and used to prevent the materials’ binding to the mold’s surface.

It is the special chemical agent which provides a barrier between the surface and the substrate that assists in curating parts to come out of the surface hassle-free.

If you think what will happen if you will not use a mold release agent? Or do you require mold release for epoxy resin? Then we are all covered for you below.

Without the agent, your beautiful final product may come with less efficiency due to the dramatic presence of substrate.

That simply means if the substrate comes into action by any chance, it may come in between you and your desired final resin product.

What Can You use as a Mold Release –

What can I use as a mold release for epoxy resin - All things to use as a mold release

To my surprise, many mold releases for epoxy resin are available to be used in the process of casting, including chemical and synthetic ones.

The list below will give you the best mold-release options for epoxy resins.

1 Mold Release Spray – If you are on your exciting journey of casting epoxy resin, then you might need another experience using mold release spray.

I personally was so excited to use this as it exclusively works on intricate and smaller molds. All you need is to shake and apply the spray on the clear and dry mold in the corners.

I preferred to hold the spray can run around 25 cm away and pause for 5 minutes after spraying to get a better grip. (If you are using a brand new mold, opt for 3-5 layers of the mold release with an interval of at least 7-8 hours).

I recommend you also do this when you rely on the mold spray and wait and watch to see the spray work its part out. Interesting?

2. Mold Release Wax – The released wax comes in a liquid or plastic-like thick consistency. It can be applied to your mold with the help of a cloth or brush.

All I advise you to do is to shake and apply for the wax release on the thoroughly cleaned surface, which is comparatively large and have enough space. You can clean your surface with warm water if done inaccurately.

I started by rubbing the brush on the mold and, after waiting for almost an hour, polished the surface to make it glossy.

3. PVA Release Lacquer – If you want to rely on one of the best mold releases for your epoxy resin, then lacquer has all to do that for you.

Yes, it is made up of Polyvinyl alcohol and works best for epoxy resin. All you need is to apply it with a sponge or brush over the surface in different directions in 3-4 layers by increasing the consistency in a gradual manner.

It is mixed with the resin directly for better results, and the main aim is to extract the double benefits. I did the same in intervals of 15-20 minutes, and trust me, I got super glossy results.

Home ingredients that can be used as a mold release –

What can I use as a mold release for epoxy resin - And what should I use to mold release

What if I tell you that the ingredients present in your kitchen right now can also be used for mold release? Would you believe me?

Whether or not you believe it, Yes! You can use kitchen ingredients as your mold release, along with some homely, readily available stuff. Let’s explore together.

1. Cooking oils – Yeah! Rather than mainly consuming unhealthy fats, you can better use them for your epoxy resin mold release.

Use a paper towel to apply the oil so that applying extra oil should be avoided. I used simple tissue paper for this purpose.

2. Petroleum Jelly – Have you ever thought petroleum jelly could also work as a mold release?

Well, a big yes! You can use this as an alternative for a mold release by just applying its thin layers on the surface, which do not have fine details, or you will mess up with your finest final product.

3. Talcum powder – This may sound even crazier to you, but this actually works! If you typically rely on silicone molds and don’t want to use a chemical mold release, then the talcum powder ninja technique is just for you.

Also, this will work only if you are not using the molds of minute detailing.

4. Mineral oils – These are as good for epoxy resin mold casting as they are for other purposes.

Don’t you trust me? Apply 2-3 thin layers of oil on your mold with the least absorbing brush or paper towel and watch it by yourself. (Check how to mold release epoxy resin easily).


1. Which mold release is best suited for a two-part mold?

Different types of mold release can be used and experimented with for the variety of mold, but some of them work for a particular kind, the best.

For a two-part mold, wax works wonders because it can be applied nicely on the wonder surface.

2. Is there any particular technique to apply the mold release for epoxy resin?

There is no particular technique to apply for mold release for epoxy resin on your mold surface. But start with using each corner and edge of the mold and then proceed to the finest details.

Always apply a brush, sponge, paper towel, etc., to prohibit extra usage (which will ultimately destroy your mold and casting product). To know How do you keep epoxy from sticking to mold? Give a read to this article.

3. For exactly what time should I wait after applying mold release to my mold for epoxy resin casting?

Although, there is no exact clock you have to track to wait after applying mold release to your mold. It totally depends on the mold release you are using for your project.

On a general note, at least wait for 15-20 minutes in every case (some require a waiting hour of 2 hours as well).

Conclusion –

Well, this was pretty interesting to try out different ways to use a mold release of various types with epoxy resins. Hope! You might have found it fun too.

Try these super easy mold release and chemical ones, and comment on which one you liked the most for your epoxy resin casting. Happy epoxy resin casting!